TRA announces improvements to its Tax collection systems

TRA has announced improvements to its e-Filling system including VAT returns. These improvements have been accompanied by improvements to the EFDMS system by introducing a new program called Protocol 2.1.

The Authority wishes to inform traders and the general public that within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days from the date of this advertisement (7th December 2020), every trader who is currently using a receipt machine that cannot be verified by the improved system must purchase and use a new machine (containing Protocol 2.1) distributed by an EFD-certified EFD Agency. In addition, older machines should be submitted to the nearest TRA Offices for further action.

In the current improved system, traders can use computers, Point of Sale (POS), and other machines capable of connecting to the EFDMS system. In this scenario, the trader is not required to purchase an EFD machine and will instead use the aforementioned machine to be integrated into the upgraded system. A trader who opt for this option should visit TRA offices for support.